RT @alissawyrdguth: Der Luxus für die 100 Prozent ist in Arbeit. Wer sich einen (->den Luxus nämlich) bestellen mag, hier entlang. https://… Quelle by Think Tank 30
FortfahrenRT @FfE_eV: Neue #Stellenausschreibung (Masterarbeit oder Praktikum) für Studierende „Feldversuch #Digitalisierung der Energiewirtschaft -… Quelle by Think Tank 30
FortfahrenRT @DigiComNet_Org: Akilnathan Logeswaran @VoteAkil: Borders are quite contradictory. They keep people out, but also want to allow easily g… Quelle by Think Tank 30
RT @spyridonkagkas: The most powerful question: “How do we measure peace?” @VoteAkil Maybe culture? #influencershub https://t.co/7E0mTX8uJw Quelle by Think Tank 30
RT @noagafni: How do we measure peace? What a great question! @VoteAkil https://t.co/fIWSsgBrGG Quelle by Think Tank 30
FortfahrenRT @VoteAkil: „Facts are not enough! We’re taught to use facts and rational arguments. But people are highly irrational. There more than 10… Quelle by Think Tank 30
Fortfahren@transformag Quelle by Think Tank 30
FortfahrenTT30 meets transform Magazin: Nach 10 Monaten Kleinstarbeit beginnt die Vorbestellungskampagne für das neue Transform Magazin, dessen Redakteur unser Mitglied Hans ist. Bestellt bis 5.10. bei Startnext https://t.co/anMAPN8fsZ #transform #neuerluxus
FortfahrenRT @VoteAkil: 8 #festivals connecting and curating each other. Creatives of #Europe 🇪🇺 connecting over European culture of diversity. Righ… Quelle by Think Tank 30
FortfahrenRT @JonathanB4RTH: Great article by @flavamaeve on rethinking economics published in @nature. This is great news @PluralEcon @exploringecon… Quelle by Think Tank 30