RT @alastairmci: The futurist, Alexander King, who commissioned this model for The Club of Rome, was an associate of @CHumanEcology in Edin… Quelle by Think Tank 30
FortfahrenRT @Alpbach_FL: Illuminating Fireside-Talk with Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, President of the Club of Rome & former MP in Germany about glo… Quelle by Think Tank 30
Fortfahren„Ob sich der #Digitalrat eher zweimal oder 20-mal im Jahr treffen wird, mag zweitrangig sein angesichts digitaler Foren, Videokonferenzen und anderer Kommunikationsplattformen. Entscheidend dürfte sein, ob die zehn Mitglieder sich
FortfahrenRT @VoteAkil: Brilliant overview of the contradictions of #populism by leading #BREXIT expert @hayward_katy #ShapeEurope2018 | #ViewFromT… Quelle by Think Tank 30
FortfahrenRT @UNEnvironment: More than half of the world’s whale sharks have been killed since the 1980s. A new study gives insights into their feedi… Quelle by Think Tank 30
FortfahrenRT @HerrUndSpeer: 10 years of HERR & SPEER. It all began August 17, 2008 at a US college when we met as freshmen. A heartfelt thank you to… Quelle by
FortfahrenRT @VoteAkil: “Sometimes we have the luxury of choosing our challenges, and sometimes challenges choose us.” — @markpollock, The Legend… Quelle by Think Tank 30
FortfahrenRT @HansRusinek: On information overload and what we can learn from the 17th century @thinktank30 https://t.co/K8j1vehESu Quelle by Think Tank 30
FortfahrenRT @VoteAkil: „The #EuropeanUnion has been unfailing in their support of the #peace of the island of #Ireland.“ — @HMcEntee, Irish Minist… Quelle by Think Tank 30
FortfahrenInteressanter Ausblick zur Zukunft Bayerns von unserem assoziierten Mitglied Wolfgang Gründinger: „Er wagt einen Blick in die Zukunft und ist überzeugt: Skifahren werden wir nicht mehr, aber viele Sprachen sprechen.